General Description

FutureEverything (FUTURE) is a not-for-profit digital innovation lab, festival and conference. It is a member of ENOLL and is well connected with Lancaster University. FUTURE successfully implements ideas in digital culture to provide solutions to current and future challenges. They engage a worldwide community in devising and testing innovations in art, society and technology. Labs have been developed in partnership with local government, private sector companies and contemporary cultural industries. Strong city partnerships in Greater Manchester enable them to play and experiment with the DNA of the networked city.

Relevant Competence for the project

FUTURE has wide experience of working across public, private and community sectors. Through the Open Data Cities programme, it engages with several local authorities within Greater Manchester (e.g. Police, Fire and Rescue Service, Health Service and Passenger Transport Executive). It has with Trafford Council developed and maintains DataGM, which is the central point for Open Data in the region. FUTURE develops its innovation labs in partnership with ImaginationLancaster at Lancaster University, and was a research output in the RAE2008 assessment, which rated Lancaster as 3rd in the UK for research in Art & Design. The FUTURE methods have been published in the form of the Festival As Lab Toolkit. FUTURE is embedded within the digital, design and academic communities where it promotes business and creative opportunities. Through its close links with Lancaster, Manchester, MMU, Salford Universities, it is able to leverage knowledge from the academic community. It is able to devise and deploy mass-participation projects using a variety of techniques from gaming to citizen sensing.

Main role and activities to be carried out

FUTURE will be involved with the Technical Framework, Smart Mobility and Dissemination Packages. It will be utilising its partnership with Trafford Council on DataGM to align the SDK with the DataGM datastore. In WP4 it works with Manchester City Council to develop, localise and deliver the Pilot. As a producer of large-scale events, public facing projects and sector specific events, it will be working with the WP6 Leader to maximise dissemination and impact.




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