General Description

The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) is one of the largest institutes for higher professional education in The Netherlands. CREATE-IT applied research is the research centre of the School of Design and Communication (Media, Creatie en Informatie) of the Amsterdam University of Applied Science (Hogeschool van Amsterdam). CREATE-IT consists of six research groups, led by ‘lectoren’ and the MediaLAB Amsterdam.
At this knowledge centre, lecturers, students and researchers carry out applied research commissioned by the creative industry and the IT sector. We collaborate with universities and other knowledge institutes. Research results are used by the professional sector as well as adapted for educational purposes. Applied research provides solutions to urgent practical issues, ensures that educational programmes are kept up to date, promotes knowledge circulation and contributes to the professionalisation of students and lecturers.
The mission of Create-IT is to train young, critical professionals and, by involving them in applied research, equip them with the best possible tools for operating in the rapidly developing professional field. Applied research enables us to react quickly and effectively to current issues in professional practice. By conducting research, both students and lecturers will develop their professional skills. The research results can be applied in the real world and will ensure that the education curriculum is kept up to date.
It provides a platform for enterprising, creative and motivated students, lecturers and researchers to carry out research for the growing and innovative creative industry and IT sector in Amsterdam and the ‘Northern Wing’ of the Randstad conurbation, as well as internationally. This is a state-of-the-art sector, of great importance to Amsterdam, but also a sector which knows no bounds, being equally successful in both the city and the surrounding area.

Relevant Competence for the project

HvA (CREATE-IT) is active in Living Lab collaboration projects and open innovation. HvA has extensive experience in collecting data from sensors and analysis. HvA is gaining experience in data analysis in tourism sector. HvA is a participant and contributor in number of EU/international open services innovation expert groups and Living Labs. OISPG (Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group) is one of the examples of HvA involvement in strategic and policy level of participation in open innovation topics.

Main role and activities to be carried out

HvA will contribute with a pilot which will collect data on tourists’ movements, activities and/or experiences. The goal of this experiment is to increase the knowledge of organizations in the tourism sector on their clients. Another goal is enabling smarter information services for tourists.

Data sources are sensors, the web (e.g. weather information, information from social media), apps on smart phones. HvA will also advise in value creation of open innovation ecosystems.


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