Online data standards for cities

The article on Civic Innovations points out the importance of common standards. Data standardization across cities is a critical milestones that must be realized to advance the open data movement, to fully realize all of the potential benefits of openly publishing government data. More people are starting to realize the importance…

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Open Data Visualization at Avans Hogeschool

Data Visualisation Installation

For PICNIC 2012, Laurens Schuurkamp and Bert Spaan (Waag Society) developed an Open Data visualization installation. Subsequently, Laurens gave a seminar on Open Data Visualization on the Avans Hogeschool in Den Bosch. Laurens: “Our goal was to draw the city from scratch with the available Open Data, to see if…

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Manchester Hackathon Announced – Cash Prizes

For the first time ever, the City of Manchester invites you to dig underneath its digital skin. FutureEverything, Open Data Manchester and Manchester City Council are looking for experts and innovators to hack, code, programme and experiment with the city’s sets of open data to build new applications and develop…

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