Smart Data for Government

CitySDK will be the subject of a presentation at the Smart Data for Government conference in London on the 23rd-24th September. Speaking at 9.40 on the morning of September 24th, Adrian Slatcher will be talking about “Enabling Cities to Open Data” 

  • Recognising the need for skills such as code fellows to co-ordinate and release information
  • Exploring the tools and platforms available (datastores, linked data platforms) to increase interoperability and accessibility
  • How to develop a City “Service Development Kit” across 8 European Cities
  • Working with the local digital community through projects like the GM Data Synchronisation Project to overcome existing challenges

Other speakers at the conference include Jenni Tennison,from the Open Data Institute, and Richard Sargeant from the Government Digital Service.

You can download the article ” Synching Cities: Data Openness Across Europe” from the conference resource centre.

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