The Linked Data API
adding scalability to real-time open data

The Linked Data API offers unified and direct access to open transport, mobility and geo data from government, commercial and crowd sources alike. It is designed to work closely with other open source projects as OpenTripPlanner, Analyst, Open311 and OpenStreetMap.

What does the Linked Data API do?

Independent of file format, refresh rate or granularity open data is easily accessible for commercial use, research and software developers. Thanks to the unique, open design the API can be linked to all national and international systems and is interoperable with European standards. Queries the LD API can answer are for example:

  • Give all bus stops that are accessible for wheelchairs on a route, or in a certain area.
  • Give all hotels in area X of the City that have hubs for charging an electrical car.
  • Give all traffic information for road Y.
  • Give all hotels in X that are also an official governmental monument:
  • Give all roads in the country that contain “station”.
  • …and much more.


  • Linked data made easy: link any dataset with a form of geo referencing to any other dataset
  • Add your own layer of data, linked to existing open data
  • Connect with Open311
  • Static and real-time data
  • Returns JSON, JSON-LD, Geo-JSON and RDF/Turtle


A list with links to (pilot) applications using the LD API can be found here

Documentation, developers, source code

All general documentation on the API can be found on the wiki at the corresponding GitHub Wiki.


The following cities haves official implementations of the CitySDK Linked Data API:

Further information on the Smart Mobility pilot and LD API:

Waag Society
Job Spierings
+31 20 5579 898
[email protected]


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