Linked Events API

Easy access to event information

Linked Events collects event data from various sources into a city-specific API.

What does the Linked Events API do?

Harmonised Linked Events APIs make it easy to create scalable intercity event applications. This enables citizens to access event information whether they are on the move in their hometown or exploring a new city. The harmonised API also promotes accurate information as the data is not copied and pasted from the database but directly accessed in a harmonised format through the API.


  • Search for categorised event data in a harmonised and machine-readable format
  • Search for event data by date, keywords and location
  • Search for event data in a specified area


In Finland, the API is currently used by several apps, for example the City of Helsinki’s own Events Calendar, the Eventmore mobile app, the service and the online services.

Documentation, developers, source code

The definition of Linked Events API:

The open source implementation of Linked events API:


The following cities in Finland have official implementations of the Linked Events API:

Further information:
City of Helsinki
Aleksi Salonen
[email protected]

City of Turku
Arvi Leino
[email protected]

City of Espoo
Jaana Suonsaari
[email protected]

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