Open Decision API

More Transparency to Decision-Making

The Open Decision API makes municipal decisions and decision-making processes more transparent and accessible to the citizens.

What does the Open Decision API do?

City council, committee and board agendas and records can be published along with their attachments as open data. The data can be filtered by date, keywords, and location for easy access. The API also enables combining the information with data from other sources.

When information is published in a structured format as open data, it can be utilised in many different ways. For example, applications can combine data from several cities or include data from other sources.

In addition to the API definition, the Six Cities have also created an open source reference implementation of the Open Decision API.

The international Popolo standard, a model for relationships between organisations and people, has been utilised in the information model.


  • Make use of categorised data on city decisions
  • Obtain decision data in a harmonised and machinereadable format
  • Search for data by date, keywords and location

Documentation, developers, source code

The definition of the Open Decision API:

The open source implementation of the Open Decision API:


Data found in Open Decision APIs (zip files)

Further information:

City of Helsinki
Juha Yrjölä

City of Espoo
Jaana Suonsaari
[email protected]

City of Vantaa
[email protected]

City of Tampere
Joonas Dukpa
[email protected]

City of Turku
Tarja Vuorinen
[email protected]

City of Oulu
[email protected]

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