Getting Started

This online toolkit provides you with all the information you will need to decide whether or not to use CitySDK. Read this “getting started” section and download our cookbook to help you understand whether the toolkit can help with your needs. When you want to begin using the toolkit you will be directed to the technical documentation for each of the components of the toolkit or if you already know that you want to use the CitySDK then go straight to the APIs:

Is your city already involved?

The CitySDK toolkit has been developed and piloted in 8 cities across Europe. Check if your city has been involved and what components it has used.

Participation Mobility Tourism
ROME Yes Yes Yes


State of open data in your city?

CitySDK was developed to create a bigger market for apps and services and to ease transfer and reuse of smart city services between cities. In many cases city data comes from a variety of sources, from the local authority, from the transport executive or from regional or national government. A developer  working in any of the CitySDK cities knows that some progress has been made in bringing ease to developing scalable apps, however this is an ongoing process.

Has your city a data store? Who looks after it? What licence(s) are used to release the data? Is the data available to use in a suitable file format? We are using the CitySDK discovery service to showcase what data is available across the cities using the CitySDK. There will be other data available, but this will provide an access to the data that is currently maintained within the various APIs.

6Aika Open data and interfaces project

The six largest cities in Finland, also known as the Six Cities harmonise application programming interfaces, or APIs, and datasets, that enable the scalability of applications built on a specific city API to other cities providing a harmonised API. Read more.





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