

CitySDK Cookbook

CitySDK Cookbook introduces the opportunities CitySDK APIs offer for cities and developers. It showcases the experiences Helsinki, Amsterdam and Lisbon have had with open harmonized APIs, giving concrete examples of the use of the current CitySDK APIs. Last part of the toolkit focuses on step-by-step guidance for starting your journey with CitySDK or any other API.



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Smart City API Cook Book

The Harmonized Smart City API Cook Book introduces to you the opportunities APIs offer for cities, developers and companies. It also gives concrete examples of the use of the current Smart City APIs created by the six largest cities in Finland in the 6Aika Open data and interfaces project. Last part of the toolkit focuses on step-by-step guidance for starting your journey with Smart City or any other API. Get your Cook Book now.

Open API recommendations for cities

Open API recommendations for cities describes the importance of APIs and the goals related to them from the cities’ perspective. The recommendations are intended as a general policy to be applied alongside the strategic policies, principles and guidelines that often guide ICT and service development in cities. Download Open API recomendations for cities.



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