Open311 Issue Reporting

In a “digital by default” world citizens expect to be able to contact their public bodies online and on-the-move, whether its to enquire about availability of services or to report a fault. Linking these new channels with existing legacy systems is a challenge for local authorities, and where tools have been developed to work regionally or nationally (e.g. Fix My Street), the interface is often just the generation of an email.


Providing better tools for dealing with digital communications and improving both the quality of information provided through issue reporting systems and the response back to the citizen, is the aim of the CitySDK issue reporting component.


Building on the standards established through the “Open 311” interface, an API has been developed that can be implemented in a number of ways to provide improved access to a city’s fault reporting systems.


For the citizen there’s the opportunity to receive better and more personalised feedback. For the city there’s the opportunity to better manage multiple enquiries, and improve on the quality of information provided by citizens. For developers there’s an opportunity to develop new 3rd party applications for mobile, or which work with different data sources or across different cities.


The issue reporting component has been developed in the city of Helsinki, and has been adopted for a range of different communication problems in other cities throughout Europe.


The component consists of the following -:

–        An API that can be adopted and implemented in different cities

–        An API for interacting with the cities of Helsinki and XXXXXX

–        Documentation and case studies on how to integrate within your city

–        Technical specification of the “Open 311” service and the extensions available in the API.

–        Case studies from Helsinki and XXXXXX

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