What is the CitySDK?

CitySDK is a “service development kit” for cities and developers, enabling new services and applications to be rapidly developed through providing a range of tools, processes and best practice examples.


8 cities across Europe have worked together to create some re-usable interfaces and processes and this toolkit provides all the information you will need to begin developing applications in your city.


In this section of our website we’ll explain the benefits for cities and developers of using the toolkit; describe the various components of the toolkit that are currently available; and provide access to the open source code and developer information needed to implement CitySDK in your city.


We realise that a “toolkit” is there to support developers and cities looking for better ways to develop services and applications, and as we encourage adoption of some of the tools that we’ve developed we’ll be happy to help you develop the right model for your own needs.


During the development of the CitySDK we concentrated on “participation”, “mobility” and “tourism” as three of the most common interactions that citizens have with their municipality. The toolkit has been developed so that these components can be used singularly or together as required, and are well-documented with a range of “developer tools” to more easily implement them in your city. Take a look at the components section for more detail on what we currently provide.

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