IST Portugal

General Description


The Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) is the largest and most reputed school of Engineering, Science and Technology and Architecture in Portugal. Since its creation in 1911, IST’s mission is to provide top quality higher education, as well as to develop Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) activities according to the highest international standards. Research at IST is organized in centres and institutes that pursue challenging research programmes and address problems with a strong societal impact. These areas are often intertwined together and many centres work in multiple areas, crossing domains of competence and application. IN+, the Centre for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, is one of the IST research centres in the area of Energy and Environment.


Relevant Competence for the project


IST-IN+ has been developing a set of particular competences over the last year in the role of information and technologies in different activities in urban areas (from energy monitoring, material flow accounting, mobility patterns) and evaluation of its economic and social impact.


Main role and activities to be carried out


The main role of IST is to participate in the identification, assessment and definitions of the key open source technologies that will be supported by the SDK.

It will also participate in the smart tourism Pilot in Lisbon to define the thematic routing services.


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