CitySDK challenge: Build Best cross-city Smart Participation app – win 3000 euros

CitySDK project was set to harmonize APIs across cities in Europe. Helsinki together with Amsterdam, Lisbon, Lamia and Rome implemented an issue reporting API. The API is also compliant with Open311 interface, which is used in several cities in US and elsewhere.

We now launch the CitySDK challenge where we seek for the Best cross-city Smart Participation app. Show your skills and take part!

What are we looking for?

We are looking for handy mobile apps, visual city dashboards and innovative digital solutions! Get inspired by work done and take a look at Street Bump app, Open311 Dashboard, Chicago’s issue reporting app or Korjaa kaupunki.

5000 euros of prize money

The winning app or service will receive 3000 euros and the one coming second 2000 euros. All apps will receive EU wide attention in the CitySDK partner Cities.


Eligible apps must utilize at least two CitySDK Smart Participation endpoints. To participate app must be publicly available by 5th of June. Endpoint spec here: List of endpoints here:
CitySDK partners cannot take part in this challenge. The CitySDK projects claims the right to use visual materials of the participating apps in their communications accompanied by the copyright information of the participant.

How to participate?

Participant provides the organisers their information via this form. A link to a publicly available app must be provided by June 5th 2014. The winners of the challenge will be announced in the pitching event in Helsinki on 10th of June. Finalist selected for the pitching will be contacted by 6th of June. For participants outside Finland, a possibility to pitch remotely online will be arranged.

Get inspired by

Open311 Dashboard
Visualizing and analyzing Open311 data on one unified, customizable dashboard

311 Service Tracker
Track your 311 service request

The Daily Brief
Snapshot of service requests in your city right now

CitySDK – City Service Development Kit (EU CIP). Forum Virium Helsinki (FVH) coordinates CitySDK, which compiles a toolkit for the development of digital services for cities.
The toolkit includes open and interoperable digital service interfaces as well as processes, guidelines and usability standards. CitySDK enables a more efficient utilization of the expertise and know-how of developer communities in the city service development. CitySDK aims at creating open interoperable interfaces between cities.
The project focuses on three Pilot domains: participation, mobility and tourism. Within each of the three domains, a large-scale Lead Pilot is carried out in one city and later replicated in partner cities. (

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