The first transferred tourism App is born


They never visited Lisbon and yet they know exactly where all the museums and points of interest of the city are located. And not only do they have all this information, they decided to share it with others and are now guiding tourists in their visits all around.

Pierre and Olga are two developers from Finland and have been successfully developing apps for tourists in Helsinki based on the Open Data Repository of the city. The result of this effort is Spot in Helsinki.

One of the aspects that blocks the possibilities they foresee for their business is the size of the market. CitySDK helped solving this, by allowing their app to scale to other cities in Europe, using their public open data sets of tourism information and the harmonized API that ensures that this scalability is done with minimum effort.

During the last months they developed the first app dedicated to a new city: Spot in Lisbon. The city of Lisbon is the lead pilot for the tourism domain in CitySDK and was the first to implement the CitySDK Tourism API. The app is still in beta version and all the feedback from users is appreciated.


We look forward for apps for other cities to spring up. We hope to see initiatives taking advantages of the strong interest in scaling to other cities. Rome and Amsterdam could be an interesting market due to the amount of tourists they get every year. Furthermore, we hope CitySDK can ensure the creation of value to other developers and SMEs allowing them to leverage the value of open public data, by creating sustainable value for society and for themselves.

Good luck to Olga and Pierre!

If you are using CitySDK and you’d like to share your story please let us know: [email protected]




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