Measuring Amsterdam

On June 12th, the research group Digital Life of Create-IT organised the Measuring Amsterdam event. During this event, keynote speakers talked about Crowdsourcing, Amsterdam as a Smart City and data visualization. We also performed measurements and observations on the Wibautstraat (Knowledge mile) during the event. These measurements are derived from the research projects from within Create-IT. The participants were able to contribute to open data by using a web form as an input tool. In total, the participants performed 1524 measurements. The collected data was visualized and can be viewed here.

The platform used for Measuring Amsterdam will be kept online. It is still possible to perform measurements at In the following months we will continue to work on the platform.

Please see also YouTube video at:

If you are interested in using or joining this platform, please contact Wouter Meys, w.t.meys(at), for more information.


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