Open Data and Financial Crisis


In South Europe nowadays, we are in front of unprecedented financial problems. We face crisis sustainability, even more a social crisis that requires urgent action. This demands consensus on the required actions, and innovation to develop new solutions.

Open data can deliver the transparency and accountability to build trust and consensus, and can open up new areas for innovation and improved economic efficiency. CitySDK’s toolkit has a vital role to play in leading the way on sharing data and knowledge.

The process of opening data needs not be complex, and does not require all the answers or applications to be known up front. Once data is opened, innovation is enabled both within organisations and in the wider community, creating applications and solutions that could not have been imagined previously.

By taking an Open Data approach, cities, organizations and institutions can:

  • Become more transparent and accountable, reducing mistrust in the data, the conclusions, and in themselves.
  • Stimulate innovation, which is essential for rapid societal or technological change.
  • Improve public communication, by allowing enabling a wide range of approaches to communicating scientific data and conclusions.
  • Help politicians to build the will to make required changes, by giving them reliable and transparent data to back up their arguments.
  • Achieve better measures of social and environmental ROI.

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